How to Become a Reviewer

The credibility of any accreditation rests largely on the calibre of its reviewers.

Organizations undertaking a CCA review know they will get a team of well-trained reviewers that are grounded in the realities of their sector, with experience and training in managing the accreditation process and making sound decisions in their assessments.

Why Become a Reviewer?

Our reviewers tell us how rewarding it is to be a CCA reviewer. They say it’s a great opportunity:

  • For professional development and learning
  • To learn about how other organizations operate
  • To meet other professionals and volunteers from community-based organizations
  • For a break from regular work or volunteer responsibilities
  • To learn more about accreditation and share with your own organization

Organizations with a staff member or volunteer who is a CCA reviewer say it:

  • Builds in-house expertise about the accreditation process
  • Brings new ideas from other organizations
  • Helps them stay on top of changes in legislation, policies and procedures
  • Contributes to quality improvement, planning and client service

About the Role

Who is involved in a CCA accreditation review?

The accreditation review is conducted by a CCA-trained team of volunteer reviewers. CCA reviewers have expertise in the sectors served by CCA and often have experience with an organization that participates in the CCA accreditation program.

Review teams are made up of 3 - 4 individuals from a mix of community-based sectors. Roles may include:

  • reader-reviewers who assist with assessing the organization’s documentation in advance of the site visit and
  • reviewers who participate in assessing documentation in advance of and actively participate in the site visit activities

Each review has a designated Accreditation Specialist (a staff member of CCA). Administrative coordination and support are provided by the CCA Accreditation Coordinator.

What does a CCA reviewer do?

As a reviewer, you actively participate in the shared work of the review team. A reviewer:

  • Assesses pre-site evidence (documents, narratives, surveys) ahead of the site visit, individually and as part of the team
  • Leads interviews and other site-visit activities
  • Debriefs with the organization and with the team

We also count on our reviewers to share insights and observations for CCA’s ongoing improvement.

What is the time commitment?

The review work starts about two months before a site visit. Most CCA reviewers need between 20 and 30 hours to make pre-site-visit assessments and notes on their own, and to participate in team decision making.

Site visits are typically three days, but can range from two to five days. Reviewers can expect to work on their own conducting interviews, observations and other activities, and as part of a team.  Work takes place both during the day and in the evenings.

Successful candidates are expected to participate on at least one review team per year. Dates for involvement on a review team are mutually agreed with CCA.

Is this a volunteer position?

The reviewer position is a volunteer position.  CCA covers the costs of travel and accommodations for the site visit.

What kind of training is provided?

Initial training is done virtually, held over 4 half-days. Once in the role, support is provided to reviewers throughout their reviews, and  follow-up training may be provided where needed.

Who Can Become a Reviewer?

CCA reviewers are individuals who have expertise in the sectors served by CCA.  Many have experience with the organizations that participate in the CCA accreditation program.

We look for all reviewers to demonstrate:

  • Understanding of governance and community-based program delivery
  • Communication skills (in English and/or French), including presentation skills
  • Interviewing skills
  • Familiarity and ease with Internet use and computer basics
  • Ability to analyze and synthesize information
  • Judgment and decision-making capacity
  • Teamwork skills
  • Good time management, flexibility
  • Integrity and trust
  • Appreciation for the value of the accreditation process
  • Respect for the confidentiality and privacy of the organization and its client

You are not expected to be an expert in everything. You bring your own experiences and knowledge of the sector, as well as your curiosity and willingness to learn. This ensures teams are well-grounded in the realities of organizations being reviewed.

How to Apply

To apply as a reviewer, please review the CCA Reviewer Job Description and complete this form online.

In the form, you will be asked to:

a. Provide two references who can speak to your skills and experience, as well as the attributes that would make you a good CCA Reviewer.
b. Upload the signed AODA Customer Service Standards.
c. Upload the signed Oath of Confidentiality.
d. Upload the signed CCA Reviewer Agreement.
e. Upload your Resume.

The Accreditation Coordinator will follow up with you once the completed form has been received with details about next steps.