Quality Improvement Training Overview
The Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA) in partnership with a global leader in Quality Improvement, Leading Edge Group, are delighted to announce a full suite of customized training programs that develop quality improvement knowledge, skills and capabilities for community-based health and social services.
Our programs have been specially developed to reflect the realities of community-based health and social organizations and their service delivery context. They have been developed to assist service providers across Canada to better face numerous challenges in delivering effective primary health care, prevention and promotion, and social care (i.e., funding pressures; increasing client demands; greater need for accountability; addressing risk management and the need for more extensive collaboration).
White Belt
This training workshop introduces quality improvement (QI) and its relevance for community-based health and social services.
The workshop will focus on key quality concepts and methodologies (Lean and Six Sigma principles and 8 wastes) and tools (root cause analysis, fishbone, 5 Whys, PDSA/A3) and how they can be used to increase quality, efficiency and innovation.
Click HERE for more information about the training.
Yellow Belt
This workshop builds on White Belt training to provide an overview of the core principles of quality improvement (QI) and differentiate between Lean and Six Sigma. This workshop will outline the essential tools and practices that can be applied across the community health and social services sector to increase service delivery efficiency and quality; improve client and employee satisfaction and reduce waste.
Participants gain an internationally recognized Yellow Belt certification through the successful com3letion of a 1-hour exam.
It aims to create a basic Proficiency in a P3Iying key tools and practices such as value stream mapping; standard work and 5S workplace organization in community health and social service settings.
Click HERE for more information about the training.
Green Belt
ThisĀ workshop builds on White and Yellow Belt level training to develop the capability to facilitate quality improvement initiatives in community health and social service settings. Attendees will be qualified to be organizational quality improvement (QI) leads adc facilitators, whereby they can successfully initiate, lead and complete QI projects.
As well as attending three days of classroom training, participants will receive access to an online mentor who will provide subject matter expertise as they apply the concepts taught and deliver the QI workplace project.
Participants will gain an internationally recognized Green Belt certification through successfully completing a workplace QI project and an exam. Through the assessment requirement to deliver a workplace QI project, participants can achieve an immediate return and benefit for their organization. Green Belt projects have achieved multiple benefits for community health and social services organization.
Some examples:
- Reducing intake wait times by 25%
- Improving access to specific child and youth mental health services and reducing wait list time
- Strengthening internal communication at a community health centre to increase and expedite clinician referrals
- Reducing initial assessment time for clients accessing addictions programs from 90 minutes to 30 minutes.
As well as developing more advanced capabilities in key tools and techniques such as value stream mapping; Kaizen; DMAIC; visual management; mistake proofing and 5S, the program develops project facilitation, communication and change management skills.
Click HERE for more information about the training.
Practical Change Management
This course introduces practical change management models and techniques to ascertain and effectively manage change readiness and ensure effective ongoing stakeholder engagement and communication. The training focuses on providing insights and guidance on how best to prepare for and successfully manage "change" at people, process, service and technology levels across a department or organization.
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Identify types of resistance to change
- Identify relevant change management models and where they best apply
- Develop effective techniques to overcome resistance to change
- Develop and apply effective stakeholder engagement and communication plans
Practical Project Management
This course focuses on the key essentials for successful project management. It introduces a unique, simplified approach that maintains the rigour required to achieve all project deliverables. The training is underpinned with a continuous quality improvement philosophy that targets value-added activity, maximizes time and resources utilization, while minimizing risks.
Key Topics:
- The Project lifecycle overview
- Key components of project management
- Theory of triple constraints
- Identifying value and aligning deliverables
- Engaging stakeholders
- Keeping a project on track
- Track and learn
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the key phases of project management and the deliverables associated with each phase
- Establish the appropriate oversight for future projects
- Identify the triple constraints of a project and when they occur
- Identify project risks and manage issues throughout the project life cycle
- Identify stakeholders and utilize techniques to align the project team and engage others when appropriate
- Utilize techniques to navigate projects through to successful completion
Click HERE for more information about the training
Which CCA accreditation
program is the best fit for your organization?